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Only Good Yankee (Jordan Poteet Book 2)

Only Good Yankee (Jordan Poteet Book 2)


Mirabeau, Texas, is a dynamite little town -- especially when toolsheds, doghouses, and mailboxes mysteriously begin to explode. So far, the sole victim is local librarian Jordan Poteet, struck by a chunk of his girlfriend's mailbox. Yet Jordy gets an even bigger jolt when his ex-girlfriend, Lorna, arrives from Boston. She's come to scoop up everybody's riverfront property -- and, if possible, Jordy as well.

With pro-development folk and die-hard environmentalists all foaming at the mouth, tempers become downright murderous. And the unfortunate victim is Lorna's handsome colleague, garroted with a piece of barbed wire at the Mirabeau B&B.

Dynamite, lust, murder...what next? Mirabeau braces for the worst and gets it -- while Jordy, his true love Candace, and Police Chief Junebug Moncrief light out after a killer...

Agatha Award-winning author of Do Unto Others.

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